During a time of uncertainty, are you an accessible leader?

Jarret Jackson
3 min readOct 7, 2020

If there ever was an obvious leadership opportunity, it’s the current pandemic. Nearly two months ago, as Covid-19 started to spread more rapidly in the U.S., we started being flooded with emails from our employers and business partners. They initially told us what they had done to adapt in light of the coronavirus. These messages were great and important. They comforted us in a time of fear by informing us of plans in place to address the current situation: We were assured things were “under control.”

Now, we have a new challenge ahead. Many states are starting to reopen. While some people may be ready to re-engage with the world, others may be still be terrified or anxious for new reasons.

In times of uncertainty, the led look to their leaders as pillars of strength. They hold leaders to an almost inhuman standard and expect that they are capable of navigating any challenge well — especially when that challenge is outside the normal course of business. As a result, leaders are afraid to stumble or fail. They need to control the message and decide what to tell employees that will be useful but also comforting. Which means they are playing defense: They are acting in fear themselves, which can undermine the message of stability they aim to provide.



Jarret Jackson

I write about strategy, adaptive leadership and managerial psychology.